Meaningful quotes about life
I believe that we cannot live better than in seeking to become better.
Your life is what your thoughts make it.
Marcus Aurelius
The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
Robert Byrne
Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us.
Earl Nightingale
He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for.
Moroccan Proverb
Sometimes questions are more important than answers.
Nancy Willard
Live now, believe me, wait not till tomorrow; Gather the roses of life today.
Pierre de Ronsard
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill
Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still.
Lou Erickso
The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.
Elbert Hubbard